25 November 2012

Welcome to the world of urdu literature & poetry!

Meeting No: 29

Halqa-e-Arbab-e-Zouque (Chennai,Tamilnadu)

Proceedings and Photos of the meeting held on 10th November 2012 at Mohamaden Public Library,Triplicane,Chennai-600005

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Report of the meeting 

Mr.Tahir Bijli reciting Qirath and Naath-e-Shareef

Jb.Mahmood Shareef giving the welcome address

Jb.Hayat Iftequar reading report of previous meeting


Felicitation to the Chief Guests (Dr.Sajjad Hussain and Jb,Hasan Fayaz)

Jb.Mahmood Shareef presenting momento to the Chief Guest Jb,Hasan Fayaz

Dr.Saba Musthafa presenting momento to the Chief Guest Dr.Sajjad Hussain

Dr.Saba Musthafa garlanding the Chief Guest Jb.Hasan Fayaz

Jb.Najam Malik reciting poem praising chief guests

Jb.Issakh Abid reciting Naat-e-shareef

Dr.Saba Mustafa reciting ghazal

Jb.Mahir reciting Naat and Ghazal

Jb.Shahid Madrasi reciting ghazal

Jb.Abroo reciting ghazal

Jb.Wafa Aazami reciting ghazal

Jb.Sadaul Aamiri reciting ghazal

Jb.Najam Malik reciting ghazal

Jb.Wahab Nazish presenting poem

Jb.Sajjad Hussain reciting ghazal

Jb.Sulthan Basha reciting ghazal

Jb.Hasan Fayaz reciting ghazal

Dr.Saba Musthafa garlanding the Chief Guest Dr.Sajjad Hussain

Jb.Habibullah Shah reciting ghazal

Office Barers Of HAZ Urdu 2009:

Mrs.Saba Mustafa (Patorn)
Jb.Mahmood Shareef (President & founder).
Jb.Fazludeen (Vice president).
Jb.Syed Sajjad Hussain (Vice President).
Jb.Hayat Iftequar (Secretary).
Jb.Wafa Aazami (Joint Secretary).
Jb.Syed Sultan Basha (Treasurer).
Jb.Salahuddin Basha Burkh (Legal Advisor).


Jb.Khader Zaheer.
Jb.Habibullah Shah.
Jb.Asgahar Vellori.
Jb.Rafiq Pasha.
Jb.Aziz Baig.
Dr.Iqbal Qureshi.
Jb.Usman Gani.
Jb.Nagal Ahmad Basha.
Mrs.Parveen Fathima.
Jb.Khazi Habib.
Jb.Asif Ali.
Jb.Mohammed Amanullah.
Jb.Afzal Bijli.
Jb.Tahir Bijli.

Photos taken by :
Mr.Tahir Bijli

You Can Also Mail us to : hazurdu09@gmail.com
This website is edited and published by Afzal Bijli.,M.Tech.

-----Afzal Bijli.,M.Tech.