18 July 2009

Meeting No:8

Photos of the meeting held on 18th July 2009 at Mohamaden Public Library,Triplicane,Chennai-600005.

Jb.Mahmood Sahreef giving presidential address:

Master Tahir Bijli reciting qirath :

Jb.Afzal Bijli & Master Tahir Bijli reciting naat-e-shareef:

Genral view of members:

Genral view of members:

Genral view of members:

Jb.Hayat Iftequar reading the Activities of Previous Meetings:

Jb.Zaheer Afakh reading Afsana:

Jb.Hayat Iftequar reading Afsana:

Jb.Issakh Abid (guest) reciting Naat-e-Shareef:

Jb.Usman Gani reciting his poem:

Mrs.Saba Mustafa reciting her poem:

Jb.Shezad Abroo (guest) reciting his poem:

Jb.Rafeeq Pasha reciting his ghazal:

Jb.Wafa Aazmi reciting his ghazal:

Jb.Wahab Nazish reciting his poem:

Dr.Raziuddin reciting his ghazal:

Jb.Khader Zaheer reciting Naat-e-Shareef on Mehraj:

Jb.Salik Naiti reciting Ghazal:

Jb.Habibullah Shah reciting his ghazal:


Jb.Habibullah Shah reciting his Poem:

Jb.Habibullah Shah reciting his second poem:

Office Barers Of HAZ Urdu 2009:

Mrs.Saba Mustafa (Patron).
Jb.Mahmood Shareef (President & founder).
Jb.Fazludeen (Vice president).
Jb.Syed Sajjad Hussain (Vice President).
Jb.Hayat Iftequar (Secretary).
Jb.Syed Sultan Basha (Treasurer).
Jb.Salahuddin Basha Burkh (Legal Advisor).


Jb.Khader Zaheer.
Jb.Habibullah Shah.
Jb.Asgahar Vellori.
Jb.Rafiq Pasha.
Jb.Aziz Baig.
Dr.Iqbal Qureshi.
Jb.Usman Gani.
Jb.Nagal Ahmad Basha.
Mrs.Parveen Fathima.
Jb.Khazi Habib.
Jb.Asif Ali.
Jb.Wafa Madrasi.
Jb.Mohammed Amanullah.
Jb.Afzal Bijli.
Jb.Tahir Bijli.


-----Afzal Bijli (B.Tech).

1 comment:

  1. Dear Afzal, congratulations on your achievement. I really liked your
    site a lot. I hope you will continue to serve in the cause of Urdu language and I wish Halque-e-Arbab-e-Zaque and its members the due global recognition which it deserves.
    We are proud of your enthusiasm and may Allah bless you all.
    -Dr Saba Mustafa
